Yeah, so, um, I'm a big dork. But let's start at the beginning...
The police department called this morning to let us know they found our Ford Focus wagon, which we reported stolen last week, in the Barnes and Noble parking lot a mile away from our house. Praise God!
My mom took Scott to go pick it up, and it appeared to be in the same condition we left it in. Weird, huh?! Yeah, I thought so, too!
How odd for someone to steal a car and take it to the bookstore, of all places -- and then just leave it there! (Apparently, it had the same amount of gas in it Scott remembered from the day before it went missing, so they couldn't have gone very far.) Maybe they just needed a ride to work?
And how weird that they took it to one of our FAVORITE PLACES! In fact, my mother and I had just been there a few days before... when was that exactly... oh, yeah, I met her at B&N for coffee, and then we took... her car... to go to TJ Maxx. Wait a minute, did we... go back and get my car?
Ohmigosh. Oh. My. Gosh. OH MY GOSH!
Yes, I actually completely forgot having left my car in the parking lot of Barnes and Noble last Monday.
Now, obviously, I was not the only one with a failed memory. Rewind to the morning we woke up to no car in the driveway. All we could remember of the previous day was Scott taking the boys to the library in the morning. Then our neighbors came out to see what the police car was doing in front of our house, and reported that they remembered seeing our car in the driveway late the night before. We concluded that it must have been taken between midnight and six. Not just one neighbor, mind you. A neighbor to the north said he had company over late and checked the street at midnight. Our friend across the street remembered looking out at 10.
What does this say for "witness" accuracy?
Alright, I'm really not trying to point the finger away from myself. I'm perfectly aware that I'm the idiot in this story.
So, anyway, praise God that our neighborhood's crime rate hasn't gone up! And our insurance rate won't increase! And we only lost $175 in rental fees! (Ouch.) And lots of people at the rental place and insurance agency (not to mention my parents, friends and hopefully you reading this) got a good laugh today!
Anyone have a recommendation for memory enhancement supplements?
Oh my gosh. I am totally LOL. And SO thankful it's ok. Poor car, so lonely and scared at B&N all by itself!
Oh my goodness, I am SO GLAD that there are no such stores nearby because I would walk home and forget I had driven there!!!! May I suggest some Omega 3? The fact that I lost my shopping list reminds me that I forgot to pick some up.
I used to take this stuff that REALLY helped with my memory. It was called...uh, hmm? What was that stuff again? That was the funniest story of the day! Glad all is well.
Did the police laugh?
too funny! i think i would be too embarrassed to admit my mistake though ;) at least not until after the police left!
That is one of the funniest stories I've ever heard. I'd like to say that something like that would never happen to me...but I don't think I would be entirely honest with myself if I said that.
I'm so glad you got your car back safely.
You are a brave brave woman to admit this. My husband and family would laugh me into the ground. That is so so funny. And oh no, now if I'm ever picked for jury duty I'll always be skeptical of witnesses. Thanks for visiting my site and commenting. I found your site and yes, I needed that good laugh.
Have no doubt, Kristi, I have most certainly been laughed into the ground today. :)
I can't stopping laughing either! You are so great!
One of my philosophy teachers in college hired someone to come into our classroom while teaching and "steal" his briefcase. He then called the campus police. We all thought he really stole his briefcase. Everyone in the entire class had a different description of the thief. When he told us the truth and had the thief come back in, not one person got the description correct. We all seriously thought we saw what we saw.
It just reminded me of your neighbors. So funny!
Amanda, I am so impressed that you told the truth. So many people would have still let the insurance company pay for the rental. I did laugh a little! I am glad that you have your car back!!!!
You are my hero for admitting this! I am literally LOLing!
And I thought walking around a parking lot (looking for my car) for nearly an hour was bad.-- You are too funny. :o}
Oh my gosh! I am cracking up and feeling so relived in a sense that I am not the only one with a failing memory. I love that you admitted this on your blog...priceless and something you'll never forget!!
We're all special in our own way ;) Hehe just playing, wow, remember how humiliated I was over opening the gas valve then calling the fire dept incident? Yes, its okay you'll remember this FOREVER & laugh!!! This story could make headlines, its actually really great! I better check in with you more often, life's so exciting over there :D
Stuff that legends are made of!
You are not alone, isn't that a comforting thought?
So, you have to let the whole world know about our memory problems?! LOL.
oh man- you are hilarious!
ok people: COD LIVER OIL!!! after only 2 days on it i had no mental fog, increased memory and energy. rush out and buy some today-if you can handle the pure nastiness that is cod liver oil, that is...
Hi! This is my first visit, and I thought I should say hello since your post made me laugh so hard. :)
Once we had a car stolen when it was broken down. They only got a few blocks. While obviously not as funny as your situation, it was similarly easy to get the car back! Yay!
LOL! This reminded me of a time my purse got stolen at COSTCO, I called the police and everything and waited there for them to arrive for over 2 hours, after a while, I walked around the store with an employee and she saw a purse over one of the clothing tables... She said: "That wouldn't be your purse would it?" I immediately blushed in embarrasement as I suddenly remembered I have left it there!" I felt so stupid !!! I have been close to loose my car a couple of times too! So don't feel bad, and welcome to the "absent minded moms club"!
By the way, Barnes and Nobles is one of our favorite places too! I am surprise we haven't run into each other there...
Take care,
Glad you found it!!! And LOL. That is definitely something I would do!
You are hilarious. I thought Kung Fu Panda was funny, but you take the cake. Okay: Ginko Biloba, Gotu Kola, CoQ10, Pycnogenol, Hawthorn, Rosemary essential oil, and if you're really into it, I found some funky superblend online for $33.15 a bottle called "Brain Protex with Huperzine"! How's that for a name!? Who knows maybe it's a miracle cure for everything from misplaced keys to stolen vehicles. The other funny resource I found was a list of nine ways to improve memory, three of which seemed pertinant: 1) eliminate accidental and unrelated associations, 2) eliminate previous mistakes, 3) get emotionally involved. Tee, hee. Love you, sis. I'm sure to be laughing until I see you next week.
Okay, now you're cracking ME up! Thanks for the tips, Brookie. I'm going for the ones with the fancy names. Eliminating accidental and unrelated associations might require selling my children, so that one's out.
Too funny! I remember one Christmas years ago (I was like 20) when I "misplaced" my car in the mall parking lot where I worked. I spent like an hour searching, called security etc. Finally, found it, but still to this day don't remember parking it there. Hum ... ? Great story!
If I had a Lucy Award to give out.....I think I would give you one. That is soooo funny....sounds just like me. I think you topped my garage door incidents....
ooh...this sounds like something I would do, or have done...
I found your blog this evening and am enjoying reading your posts. Thanks for a good laugh this evening:)
I love this story!! I read it a few days ago on your blog and I can't get it off my mind. I think I will use it on my that okay? By the way, I am Jill....your mom's cousin. You have a great blog. Your mom told me about it months back, but then that was before I was really into blogging so I didn't quite get it all. Now I love it! Keep writing!
This made me laugh, and I am SO grateful for that. Today is my birthday, and today is the day that my wallet, car keys and house keys were stolen. I have been a nervous wreck. I was looking up rekeying costs, saw posts about others who have had the same thing happen, and I found your blog. Thank you for the much needed smile :o). BTW, we are unschoolers as well. I can't wait to explore that section of your blog.
I did LOL but I can relate! My theory is, for every child we have, we lose brain cells. So the more children, the more impaired the mom! :) It's not our fault we can't complete a sentence or remember where we left our keys (or car) :)
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