Lent is the season before Easter when we prepare our hearts to remember Christ's Death and celebrate His Resurrection in full awareness of our need for Salvation. We observe Lent for 40 days just as Jesus spent 40 days in the desert resisting Satan before beginning His ministry.
We have been sick the last two weeks -- the boys got better, then I got sick, then they got sick again. We are definitely feeling in need of salvation.
God's timing is always perfect, of course. He knew I'd need a kick in the pants to keep my promise to spend this time killing off my sugar cravings and caring for this temple. And He's helped me every moment -- I haven't craved it.
I had one last chocolate cupcake at the skating rink on Tuesday, and it didn't even taste good. (Though I hope no one else thought that!) I weaned myself off Starbucks with a plain ol' decaf soy latte -- no more pumpkin spice, no more cinnamon dolces.
My dad picked up lunch for us today, my parents' first day home after a week in Florida. He brought cookies -- and I didn't even look at them. That wasn't my self-control -- that was purely the Holy Spirit!!
Please pray He continues to help me.
And, if you like, you can print off a Lenten calendar to use with the kiddos, or make a nature-inspired calendar, or a use a Greek-style coloring page. Lacy at Catholic Icing has lots more great ideas to use during Lent.
I enjoy reading your posts..thanks for being s good inspiration!
We've never celebrated Lent. I think it would be wonderful. Do you recommend any books for reading about it?
i knew you'd have some ideas for lent. i've been waiting patiently to see what you would post. thanks for the links!
Yum! a Soy Latte!
Thanks for linking! I love the crosses you made from sticks. We just might have to do that :-)
Hoping all in your family is healthy soon.
I'm awarding you the Beautiful Blogger award. Details are on my blog http://freetolearnanlovinit.blogspot.com
Hope you feel better soon and that you continue to let the Holy Spirit keep you from the junk food!
I have given up pop music for lent. I have been listening to jazz and NPR and cds from the library. It's been very relaxing and calming. We are also making tv related changes. :)
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