
Thursday, June 03, 2010

School year sum-up, '09-'10

Well, this seems like a good time to recall and record our academic learnings of the last year! When we refer to "the last day of school" around here, we're usually talking about Daddy's last day before vacation. Or sometimes, the day the schoolkids return to public spaces...

What we did for math this year...
  • Monopoly!
  • Marshmallow and toothpick polyhedrons
  • Baking (Less than last year, because Mommy gained 10 pounds during The Summer of the Peach Cobbler.)
  • Legos!!!
  • Usborne Book of Sticker Math
  • Pirates of the Carribean LIFE (money, money, money)
  • Allowance (and way too many trips to Target)
  • Grossology urine output experiment (you don't want to know, but it involved measurement and adding fractions, so it counts as math!)
  • Tangrams (geometric shapes)
History we studied this year...
 Chapter books we read together (or listened to):
  • Prince Caspian
  • Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • The Boggart by Susan Cooper
  • D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths
  • Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief
  • Percy Jackson & The Olympians 2: Sea of Monsters
  • Pippi Longstocking
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
  • Percy Jackson & The Olympians 3: The Titan's Curse
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • A Bear Called Paddington
  • Winnie-the-Pooh and A House on Pooh Corner
  • Percy Jackson & The Olympians 4: Battle of the Labyrinth
 Science subjects we explored...
Wow. This list makes it look like we were really busy! Which is a relief to this mama, because I felt sometimes like I was studying about homeschooling more than actually doing it.

Some of what we did this year was planned, some of it was not. Since my boys are pretty much interested in everything, it's not hard to follow those interests. We sure had a lot of fun, though there were plenty of days of doing just whatever.

Looking through my pictures for this post, there were actually things I forgot to blog about! So, maybe I can get to that next week while the boys are at Vacation Bible School. I was going to help out with that, but Scott gave me the week off. ;)

What was your favorite homeschooling memory this year?


  1. wow! what a year!
    i like scott's idea of taking the week of vbs off. i'm going to have to remember that next year!

  2. That sounds a lot like our year (if I bothered to stop and write it all down) and since the kids are mostly going their own directions instead of mine (older kids go their own way a lot more) the list would be way longer. Prob should sit down with them and write it all down just for fun but I am not sure I could get them to stop what they are doing long enough. :)

  3. Great post! Its always funny how when you sit down and think of what you actually did a lot! Its always more than you think ;) Its good to make lists to remind ourselves that we are actually doing something...

  4. I love how you summed up your school year this time! It's amazing what you have done and I like reading about it. At alot of churches around here, VBS already started. I found another church besides my own where friends we can have a couple of weeks of off time. It's just too much! Oh and I got the passports at GW's by the dollar theater. ;)
    Have a fun and relaxing summer.

  5. My favorite homeschool memory this year: Our field trip to Longwood Gardens. :)

    I have a post on it if interested.

    Way to Go!!! Looks like a great school year... :)

  6. Feeling successful is a fine feeling!! :)


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