
Friday, June 04, 2010

Exploring Ancient Egypt

Way back in November '09...

The week before I'd planned to dive into some study of Ancient Egypt, my friend Marlene told me about a free exhibit at our local university which would only be there through the following week. Way to make my life easier, Lord! What boy wouldn't want to go check out a real mummy?

So, two days before the exhibit closed, we met Marlene and her kids at the university. The displays were set up chronologically, with hierogyphics from the Old Kingdom at the beginning.

We saw two sarcophagi, one for a queen and one for a pharoah, maps and photos of the excavation at King Tutankhamun's tomb, Egyptian trinkets used as amulets, a carved wooden toy boat, gold-coated and plain masks, the cloth gown of an Egyptian child, and more...

A docent explained the process of preparing the body of a king or queen for mummification, and showed us an example of the jars used to store organs.

Ancient Egypt resources:


          1. Yes! I love that pic of them wrapping up brother! Priceless : )

          2. How did I miss middle brother and little brother wrapping up oldest brother? Too cute for words. They are getting the best kind of education!

          3. Very cool! We also did Egypt this year, but we didn't have a cool exhibit to go see :) Looks like you had a great time!

          4. Love Skippy John Jones! Not to mention the picture at the end-Priceless!

          5. Here's another fun one that we love -
            Mummy Maker.

            Love that quilt. :)


          Talk to me! I love your comments!