
Saturday, January 21, 2012

And now, the news I've been waiting to share...

I've been keeping a little secret from you, dear reader, perhaps for too long.

It distracted me a bit from blogging through the month of December, so I really owe you the explanation. It will only get more and more difficult to hide, even in this blogging world where secrets can more easily be kept. (If you know me in person, or on Facebook, or if we've emailed recently, then you already know.)

Remember this post from October? You were all so empathetic, so sweet -- and so many of you could, it grieved me to learn, relate from your own experience.

And so, as we cried together then, I know you will rejoice with me when I tell you that... we are expecting again!

We waited a bit longer than we ever have before sharing our good news. Losing one does seem to make it more difficult the next time. I'm currently 14 weeks along, due at the end of July.

The nausea has (mostly) subsided, and I am anticipating baby's first kicks very soon. I've heard the little heartbeat twice, and we are praying that everything continues normally and covered by God's grace!

We know we are already so very, very blessed. And we covet your prayers, nonetheless.


  1. Congratulations! So exciting!

  2. Wonderful news! Congratulations. I first felt my baby kick at 15 weeks, so hopefully you won't have to wait too long to feel your little one.

  3. I am indescribably happy to hear this!!!

  4. Anonymous8:41 PM

    oh my!!! How wonderful!! Sending prayers your way.

  5. Oh yay! So happy for you!

  6. Congrats! Children are such a blessing.

  7. I'm so happy for you all! Congratulations!

  8. I am so very very happy for you all. And yes I will be pray for you!

  9. yay yay yay yay! So excited for you!

  10. Congratulations!!

  11. So happy for you!

  12. Congratulations! So happy for you :)

  13. yay! We are due at the beginning of July with our 3rd. Such miracles! :)


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