
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back in the kitchen!

The last few weeks have seen much accomplished in the new kitchen. Scott spent what seemed like every waking minute of his Christmas "break" working in there. Trimming the new walls with woodwork, installing the butcher block countertops, sanding, oiling, sanding, oiling, sanding... with a little help from his boys.

Last weekend a back-ordered part for the range hood arrived, and our dear friend Richie (who also gave us the cabinets) came over to help Scott install it. This week he installed the sink, and then the plumber came to hook up the sink, dishwasher and oven range!  Woohoo!!  We have an officially functional kitchen!!

Despite most of my cooking tools being still hidden away in boxes, I managed to gather what I needed to make a first simple dinner at home... minestrone soup.

This afternoon the boys hulled pecans from my parents' tree, and I tried a new recipe -- Pecan Pie Muffins.  Oh. My. Goodness.

Middlest wanted to make more before the first batch was eaten... which didn't take long, believe me!

It feels SO good to be back in our kitchen again. We still have plenty left to do, and no time this weekend to do any of it. But I know we'll get there.

I feel so blessed just to have a sink!

What simple things are you appreciating this week?


  1. Yahoo! I've been waiting for this post! So glad you are back in your kitchen!
    My simple pleasure this morning? Heart shaped waffles!

  2. Oh Amanda. Those counters alone are worth it!!! You guys worked so hard, and it shows. Beautiful! I bet your soup and muffins were the best ever. Congratulation!


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