
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's beginning to feel...

  ...a lot like Christmas.

The pageant...

The baking...

The gaming...

A tiny bit of last minute crafting...

 The cold, rainy weather (with one afternoon of sunshine and a mad dash to the park)...

The waiting... it's almost here!


  1. Love all the Christmas going on in your home~

  2. What a joy to see little ones performing the birth of our King. Tradition has fallen by the wayside in too many ways--among them our children. I give thanks for those of you training up your children in the ways of our Holy Father. Merry Christmas!!

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    You forgot the skating! hehe
    nice photos

  4. Looks and sounds like my house! I love the Christmas pageant pictures! I understand about having your heart ready. My Christmas happens every year at the Christmas Eve candlelight service. Everything stops to focus on the manger and I can worship. A very blessed Christmas to you and your family!


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