
Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas (and Happy New Year)!

I know a lot of people have already ripped down their decorations, but technically it's only the seventh day of Christmas, with five more to go... so I'm not actually late in wishing you a merry one! ;)

We've been cozying up at home all week, enjoying new toys and games and books and each other, after a lovely Christmas Eve and Day...

I caught the boys' cough and sniffles the day after Christmas, so I've done a lot of lounging, dreaming about renovating our kitchen this summer, making kindergarten plans for Littlest, and catching up with old friends on Facebook.

I think I was feeling a little manic (in my own lazy way) after the Christmas goodies I ate, and now I want to spend New Year's weekend just knitting and reading... and maybe a little reflecting on 2010. (Scott wants me to give up baking for Advent next year, but I swear we didn't eat that much sugar! And aren't these gingerbread reindeer the cutest?)

But tomorrow's a new month and a new year, so this cold needs to go out with the old!!

We'll get no help from the weather -- we woke up to frost this morning, the coldest morning of the season so far. We already traded in Christmas cookies for frozen fruit smoothies, but now it's time for hot cider and chicken noodle soup!

How are you spending the last day of the year?


  1. Curled up on the couch trying not to throw up, downing water, ginger capsules and homeopathic meds every so often with a bit of eating in there too. Oh and growing a baby and cheering my husband on while he wrangles the other two and the house. And trying not to be a miserable grump despite my circumstances.

  2. Merry Christmas to you too~
    We still have our tree and nativity set up....every thing else is put away!

    Yesterday at Mass we celebrated the Epiphany (the three wisemen coming to bare the gifts).

    Looks like you all had a great Christmas~

    Peace and Prayers,

  3. Give up baking? How could you? Cute gingerbread reindeer indeed! Thanks for stopping by..!

  4. Happy new year to you as well!

    Love those little reindeer : )

  5. I LOVE your blog! I love Jesus, am a bit crunchy myself and plan to homeschool my two children. I'm so glad I found you!

  6. Very cute reindeer!

    I love soup!

  7. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Can I copy your gingerbread reindeer next year?

  8. I love those cookies! they are so cute!!


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