
Thursday, July 08, 2010

On the road: Lopez Island

On the ferry from Anacortes to Lopez Island, Washington...

Our friends' adorable cabin, Dragonfly...

Oh, my crunchy friends, how you would love Lopez...

Old farm machines at the Lopez Museum...

 Lopez beach rock fudge...

And the gorgeous beach itself...

The sun didn't set until after 10 p.m., which made late evening a lovely time for a game of hide and seek...

Saturday morning at the farmer's market... (Guess who spent too much money on handdyed yarn?!)

So good to have friends... so hard to say goodbye...


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Let me quess... idk, you?
    and that grass is almost as tall as Scott! WOW!

  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.


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