
Saturday, July 03, 2010

On the road: More fun in Seattle

A sunny day in Seattle must be spent outside...

After burning off steam at the park, we attempted to get a tour of the Theo Chocolate Factory. We had to be contented with samples of chocolate instead...

Then we visited the Ballard Locks, where ships and fish make their way between the salt water of Puget Sound and the fresh water of Lake Washington...

That's all folks! Back to the beautiful boonies.... ;)


  1. So great to see more photos and hear more about your adventures! We miss you here at home, but so glad this is a memorable trip for your family!

  2. My hubby used to work and live right near there. We've had many a date at Ballard Locks. Sigh, I miss Seattle.

  3. Just found your blog while checking out homeschool stuff. :-)

  4. We had so much fun with you guys! Hope the rest of your trip is going well!

  5. What a great place to visit. Your photos are precious. I always enjoy reading your blog.
    God Bless You,

  6. Looks like a fun trip~ and *gasp* sunshine in Seattle? :) You were wise to spend it outside... :)

    My husband works for Starbucks- so this is one of our wish list destination trips... the thought of lugging the littles cross country on a plane is somewhat horrifying... :P


  7. Just wanted to let you know that I honored you on my blog today!


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