
Thursday, July 08, 2010

On the road: America's best playground

Road trip tip #4: When everyone's getting antsy in the car, skip the touristy shops and take the kids to a local playground instead.

We've visited several playgrounds over the last few weeks of traveling. Yes, McD's was host to several stops, but when the weather was nice we preferred to find a local park. The community-built playground at Storvil Municipal Park in Anacortes, Washington, was exceptional...

Within the themed play structures were places for climbing, swinging, sliding, music-making, hiding, and other creative playing, etc.

We actually visited this park THREE different times, even though we weren't staying in Anacortes. The first time was to take a play break before getting on the ferry to Lopez Island. The second time was after we missed the ferry to Lopez Island and had to wait four hours for the next one. And we hit it a third time on our way back from Lopez, when we stopped to eat lunch before driving on to Seattle.

1 comment:

  1. wow! that park IS amazing!
    that is a great tip that i totally agree with. i always find the local parks before the trip and have them written down- just in case!


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