
Thursday, July 08, 2010

On the road: My alma mater and Snoqualmie Falls

On the way back through Seattle, we drove around the University District, looking for my old house, the one I shared with Emily, and our two other roommates, whom I've unfortunately lost contact with.

The neighborhood looked different from the car, since I used to walk everywhere. Plus, it's been 13 years -- and quite a few old houses have been replaced with new buildings. Fortunately, ours was still there! With a fresh coat of paint and the rosebushes still in place.

We drove onto the UW campus briefly, since the boys were getting pretty sick of driving in circles, and we needed to get on the road again...

Then we headed across the lake to Snoqualmie Falls, to meet my friend Camille and her son, who's a little younger than Middlest. We went to high school together in California, and then both came up to Washington State for college -- except she stayed, and I went home. Sadly, we did not plan enough time for a long visit, but she's coming to Ca. in a few weeks!

The boys were not exactly in the mood for picture-taking...

1 comment:

  1. No walking to the bottom of the falls? LOL.

    I find it amazing that we were in Seattle at the same time. I graduated from Northwest University (Kirkland) back in '95 and then worked at SPU for a couple of years.


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