
Friday, June 11, 2010

Look who's 4 now...

Dear Littlest,

You turned four years old yesterday, and you're getting taller and more independent all the time. Your brothers, Daddy and I love getting to watch you grow up! Last week I found you out digging in the gutter, concentrating on making a mud pile with your red shovel. That was new for you -- you usually prefer being inside close to me, and where you won't get dirty!

We celebrated your birthday yesterday, with presents at home (you still love dinosaurs!), then Vacation Bible School where everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to you, then at the park with friends and cupcakes, and with your Nana and Papa for barbecue hamburgers and ice cream.

You were sure full of funny faces yesterday! (Maybe it's because Mommy kept taking your picture with your mouth full!) Happy Birthday, baby doll! We love you!!!


  1. Happy Birthday, sweet Littlest!!!

  2. Happy Birthday, big boy! Looks like a beautiful celebration!!

  3. Our boy is growing up! He's so cauuute!

  4. Oh, man! Why do our kids have to grow up???

  5. Happy 4th! Looks like he had a great time, Amanda.


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