
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Spring knitting -- just in time for summer.

My husband gave me some beautiful hand-dyed sockyarn for Christmas, but I wanted to make something besides socks with it. The lovely lavender, yellow and green begged to made into something for spring.

I started this Lacy Baktus, hoping one skein would be enough -- and then I ran out of yarn just six inches from the end! I thought about ripping it all out and just using the yarn for socks -- but then Scott gave me another skein for my birthday so I could finally finish it!

 I'n it perty?


  1. Yep, it surely is. I can't imagine wearing any more than I absolutely have to today though - it's hot!

  2. I'm working on a lacey open front cardigan right now with sock yarn too. :)

  3. I want one!It's so pretty. You did a great job.

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Howdy from San Diego!! Tell Harrison happy birthday from us!! Have a fantastic trip!! Lookin forward to your blogs!!

  5. good gracious! that IS pretty!


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