
Friday, April 30, 2010

Local History Day

Yesterday we spent the morning at our county museum for California Living History Day. This house was built in 1909 -- the year before our home was built. It had been remodeled, but the museum restored it to its original layout, so it was interesting to see what our house might have looked like 100 years ago.

Volunteers dressed up in period costume, and offered hands-on activities for the kids...

I told the boys this was the original Target... ;)

Leather stamping...

Panning for gold...

Weighing their gold...

The assayer told them they each had half an ounce of gold, which would be worth $500 each. They were quite disappointed to find out it wasn't real!

This was our parish's first local mission, built in 1892, the second Episcopal church in our county...

The kids loved seeing this 1925 photo of our neighborhood park.

Old medical tools...

Grinding acorns for flour... The acorns would have to be dried for a year before grinding, and then the flour soaked to remove the phytic acid. (Like we should be doing today with whole wheat!)

Learning about wattle and daub construction...

Lincoln logs!

This was a fun one -- making adobe bricks out of mud and straw!

Wash up really well -- we're going out to lunch at a brand new cafe!


  1. So much fun. I love fun and learning. the old church building is awesome. We are coming to California for the first time this summer. I am excited!! Thanks for sharing. Love and Blessings, Angel

  2. That looks like great fun...except for the medical instruments - they made me very glad that I live in this century!



  3. Looks like so much fun :) I am inspired to plan a field trip now...

  4. I love this post, so much history. It looks like you all had a great day :)

  5. Awesome.
    We had a day that looked somewhat like that not too long ago. No leather stamping, though - I would have loved that!

  6. Hello! is excited to include a photo from A Homegrown Life's post "Local History Day" on our site! In our article we will provide a link back to your blog post. Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would prefer that we not use your photo.


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