
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Girls' day out -- vintage shopping!

I am not known by my family for my early rising. I'd like to change that, because I think I could get a lot done in the quiet hours of morning -- if only I were awake.

This morning was an exception. I set my alarm for 5:30 a.m., and woke up 17 minutes early -- maybe I was a little anxious? My mom and I were on the road by 6:05, on our way past the lupines to the central California coast for a girls' day out.

Our road trip was inspired by the 6th annual Remnants of the Past Vintage Show, held in and around a huge old barn in the middle of an orange grove at the Dana-Powers House in Nopomo. (Vintage is the new antique, you know.)

Earlier this week, I wondered if I should stay home and clean my house, instead of escaping to the beach for a day of shopping. But what better inspiration to make ones' home beautiful than a few hours of browsing artfully arranged collections of homey vintage treasures?

We saw so many inspiring ideas -- lots of beautiful ways to arrange cut flowers and unique uses chalkboard paint. I'm going to copy the terra cotta pot pencil holders by Patti's Artful Design. And I LOVED the rag book pillows by Euro Linens, but I'll have to find a way to make some myself out of old books.

A few things were way out of our price range, but we came home with some treasures, nonetheless!

We had a fabulous day, finishing up with lunch (and a little more shopping!) in San Luis Obispo. Thanks, Mom!

Now go read my mom's post! :)


  1. Love that you are living life so fully.....amazing :)

  2. It looks like you had a great time. :)

  3. My darling daughter, we are so lucky to be able to enjoy each others company and make so many wonderful memories together! I'm truly blessed! Thank you for my Mother's Day crown and being such a loving daughter!

  4. All I can say is WOW!!! What a fun day with your mom. Please tell me you bought those bird postcards.

  5. What a great way to spend your day. Cherish every moment. I loved having girls days like this with my mom.

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by! It was lovely meeting both of you and I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day together. Memories..they're the best souvenir. Smiles, Heather

  7. that is the best kind of day! time to browse, laugh and enjoy.
    what did you get???

  8. what a wonderful day with your mom! definitely worth waking up in the dark and ingnoring the housework!!!!!!!

  9. how spectacular. my mom and i used to love to spend our days thrift store shopping together. we have many many days much like this one. i was lucky to have had them.


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