
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A very full day -- at home

We've had a lot of exciting days out of the house lately, but today we had plenty of fun right here at home. I didn't think to get the camera out until after lunch, so you'll just have to trust me that the morning was productive -- the story of Ruth and Naomi, Vv is for Vikings... and violin practice, "Stink and the Incredible, Super-Galactic Jawbreaker"...

And a science experiment I'd procrastinated for weeks. (It took a whopping 2 1/2 hours, so that might explain why! More to come when the final results are in.)

After cleaning up, I retired to my bedroom, and let the boys run wild (of course)...

Even just 20 minutes of Monopoly counts as math, right?

I think the kids invented some game involving boogie boards, sprinklers, and jumping, 'cause there was sure a lot of noise coming through my bedroom window!

The daily pile of Legos...

And, Bionicle pirates?

Anyone up for waffles and 9 By Design at Nana and Papa's house?


Talk to me! I love your comments!