
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lenten goodness

Spring has a way of opening up endless possibilities... the weather is lovely, so we want to be outside -- but do we go out in our garden, or leave home for the fun field trip? We've done as much as we can do of both lately.

I don't remember last spring being so busy, but maybe it was. We had new baby chicks, so we needed to be home more to take care of them. We were putting in our little garden, and building the coop. And we had our Lenten Shabbat dinners, which we have not done this year.

Maybe I always feel like this in spring -- like the season is so perfect and so very short, and I can't possibly squeeze enough into it.

Valerie Bendt wrote, “We should not let the good things crowd out the best things.” This is so where I am right now -- choosing between the good and the best, and trying to discern which is which.

Maybe my trouble is trusting that I'll ever catch the best if I leave the good behind to chase it. There's SO MUCH GOOD around me!

But trying to keep up with my boys' need for ACTION! has left me feeling like I haven't observed the quiet, reflective season of Lent very well -- and here it is Easter week.

Then, yesterday, I found a surprise in my mailbox. An angel left a little book for me, a 30-day devotional called, "Becoming A Woman who Walks with God."

It's so easy to walk with Him when I'm tired and worn out and need a lift. Maybe that's why He's let me run around so much lately.

He knows too well that when I'm feeling fine and everything's going peachy, that I'm tempted to climb out of His arms like toddler yearning for independence, saying, "Thanks, Lord, but I can walk on my own for a while now. I know where I want to go."

But it's when I let go of His hand, and run off on my own, that I inevitably trip and fall and reach, crying, for Him again.

This week, I want to make sure we remember where our freedom and joy come from.

“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
--John 1:29


  1. I have done so much reflecting in the past few weeks of where my true joy comes from. My whole perspective has changed so dramatically in just the past few months... I've simplified my life, but in the same time, I've become more busy as I fill my time with gardening, baking, quiet time with Him, silly nights with my husband... I've stopped stressing about the obligations of outside things, and concentrated more on the blessing and gift that is the little family of mine. As odd as it sounds, planing a garden and working the soil with my hands has really shown me so much about God's grace and the gift of life we have received from him. What amazing joy He can bring us if we are willing and waiting to receive it! :)

    By the way... is this little train at Valley Feed on Brimhall??? That is right by my house, and I've SO been wanting to take Swee'Pea there! :)

  2. Olive -- yes, that's the one! We go there frequently for chicken feed. :) And yes, gardening is among my favorite ways to get in touch with my Savior!

  3. What a great photo of the boys with the lamb. I love it. Have a blessed week!

  4. what great photos of the kids, lookslike they ae enjoying Spring. I know what your saying about choosing the best over the good, we too are challenged with this. We ae spending this week at home reading the Gospels and doing activities related to them- today we ae reading about Jesus washing the disciples feet and then we will be washing each others and discussing giving and recieving. and making feet for our Easter tree, witht he verses on them.

    The devotional sounds awesome what a great surprise.

  5. My heart rate calmed down simply reading this...I too, have felt none of the relecting time with Christ in thsi so holy season. The past few days have been one of those times where I've wandered too far, and am running back to Him crying again.

    Thank you.

  6. Nice post and precious lamb picture! :) Happy Easter cousin! We will get to see you THIS YEAR!!! :)

  7. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Dont you LOVE it when God leaves packets in the mail at times we need it the most? He IS good!! Aw, I want to see pictures of the baby chicks :o)

  8. I love, love, love your blog! An unschooling mom married to a teacher...just like me! Your profile picture is precious. I am following you now so I can keep up with your adventures!

  9. "We should not let the good things crowd out the best things." -Love it, thank you.


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