
Friday, April 03, 2009

Another homeschooling interview

Oops, I forgot to let you know that Debbie Harbeson interviewed me for her homeschooling interview series. So sweet of her to choose me. My answers were a little on the silly side, but hopefully she didn't mind.

More posts to come, I promise. April is already getting away from me...


  1. Have you been working on your garden!? Can't wait to see pics! I have a tiny Better Boy and a tiny Early Girl tomato already! And a super tiny Maxibell Bell Pepper! SO CUTE! :)

  2. Yes, I want more posts! You could let your readers know about my giveaway. L.O.L. I know, I know, it's not all about me!:]

  3. Congrats on the interview! A little silly is sometimes good.


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