
Monday, March 23, 2009

Hanging on for the ride

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
-- Matthew 11:28
I know it probably looks like all we do around here is go on fun-filled field trips. We've certainly had a string of them, ending with today's short but sweet visit to our local veterinary hospital.

But it hasn't been all sunshine and green grass this week -- unless that's what's causing the blinding bright blur around me. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed by the speed of life lately. By its speed, and its brevity.

Life is a little chaotic right now. We're recovering from the (unfortunately, necessary) debugging of our kitchen, which involved pulling absolutely everything out of our cabinets and pantry, letting the professionals do their job, and cleaning every surface of the kitchen before returning and reorganizing all the stuff.

It feels nice to have the kitchen (mostly) done, but now the rest of the house is cluttered by boxes full of kitchen rejects designated for a yard sale. We've lived in this house so long there were things hiding in the corners that I haven't used in eight years. I found two brand-new Pampered chef baking stones that I didn't even realize I had!

In the middle of all the mess, my husband lost his paternal grandmother on Friday. She was 92, and had lived in her own home until only one month ago. She had a long life, surrounded by loved ones, though she outlived her husband and two of her children. Scott's dad passed away five years ago this month.

Scott's maternal grandmother died in November. This is the sixth loss he's experienced since last summer -- the other four were students at the school where he teaches. Again, life's precious brevity showing.

My mother-in-law flew out from South Dakota this afternoon to be here for the funeral on Wednesday, and is staying a week. And my sister arrives on Friday from San Francisco to celebrate her 27th birthday with us. On Saturday, we're walking in the MS Walk for our dear friend Sarah. I've been wanting to post about that for weeks, and it just hasn't happened.

On the days when I feel like I can't keep up, I know I need to let Jesus carry me. Today was one of those days.


  1. Oh Amanda, It has been a rough week, hasn't it? Your verse that you put at the top of your post says it all.

  2. When I read your blog, it does seem all like fun, and I know that it is, mostly. This post, though, reminds me that the aching, difficult parts of life do show up. It also reminds me that there is refuge, and comfort when you need it most.

    I am praying for your family.

  3. Amanda, I know how you feel, life is so overwhelming at times, I think that is why I homeschool. I hate the rush and business of life. I want a quiet life to enjoy my family and God.

    When I feel that way I just let go on everything and DO NOTHING! You should get on the couch to finish your socks and forget your "To do list" for a while.

    Remember Martha?

  4. I'm sorry to hear of your family's loss. Life is, in fact, so very brief.

    Don't forget amidst all the rush to take a few minutes for you!

  5. Oh, me too, me too. Too much so quick and so overwhelming. I am looking forward to being able to sit back and relax, but have no idea when that will be happening.

    Praying for you all in dealing with all this loss--it is hard.

  6. oh amanda- i'm so sorry for your loss, and i know that you are hurting for your husband right now on top of it. i am praying for you, your family, the emotions that come with walking for someone who is terminally ill- all of it.

    i pray for you to be able to rest in the arms of the savior who knows you and loves you best.

  7. He will carry you, and our prayers for you and your loved ones will be alongside Him as He does.

  8. I'm so sorry for all of your losses, and thankful for your perspective.

  9. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Heehee, I thought Marlene was talking about me and boy was I puzzled LOL

    The trip looks like fun, I need to take my son on more field trips :)

    I am so sorry about Scott's ongoing loss :( I will keep your family in my prayers, stay strong and keep your eyes on the Lord

  10. So sorry for your loss. You and family in my prayers tonight, and hope things calm down for you soon.

  11. You write beautifully. I am so sorry for your pain and am also thankful that you know into whose arms to fall.

  12. I hope you've settled and found a bit of quiet peace the last couple of days.

  13. Wow, what a rough time you have been having. I hope you are now back on an upward spiral.


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