
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thank you

Thank you so much for all the prayers and well wishes! My husband's grandmother's memorial service and reception was today, and I know it was nice for him to be surrounded by so much family.

We all had a lovely afternoon at his cousin's house. The boys got to know some of their second cousins from Michigan, and they're coming to play at our house on Friday. Tomorrow my MIL is spending the day with us, and Sunday we'll be at his brother's.

I always feel better when there's some kind of plan, and I know what's expected of me. Oh, and I finally got to clean my bathroom. ;)


  1. I meant to post this yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Glad to know that you are surrounded by comfort.

  2. thinking about you, friend...

    yay for clean bathrooms!

  3. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Heehee, it is also the highlight of my day... err, my week when I finally scrub down the bathroom. It's not fun with two boys sharing the same bathroom, eek!

    Have fun the next few days and I am still praying about your family.

    <3 Martha


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