
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Love and Lemonade

Hey, look! I'm famous! Just kidding. But it does make me feel special that someone wanted to get to know me better.

Jena of Yarns of the Heart interviewed me for Christian! Thank you, Jena, for your fun interview! I'm sorry I forgot to send you a photo.

And thank you for the sweet award, too! I'm raking in the love this week! Now to pass it along...

The Lemons to Lemonade Award

This award is for bloggers with attitude! Good attitudes. I'm not sure I'm always qualified for this award, but I'm certainly working on it. Here are my picks for 10 11 inspiring bloggers who have helped keep my face from becoming all pinched...

Burning Bushes
As We Walk
Lift Up Your Hearts
Pixies and Princesses
5 Orange Potatoes
Balancing Everything
Daylight Rising
Herban Homestead
Ordinary Life Magic
Bona Fide Mama

and, of course, my mom, who deserves a little lemonade right about now.

Here are the rules:

1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
3) Link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award.

Thanks, Jena!


  1. I am so thrilled you were willing to do the interview. It was a great read. :) We are going to be having more in the next few weeks so it should be interesting.

  2. Hey, you can send me a picture anytime! I'll add it to the post. :)

  3. Thanks for including me darlin'. I love lemonade and you are so right I could use some right about now! Love you!

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    From what I've read, you totally have a great attitude. Since I've read about 3 posts so far, that may not be saying much LOL

    Just kidding, it's not hard to agree that you definitely deserve this award!!

    Congrats to all the other folks who received the award as well :D


  5. Oh, have a FANTASTIC attitude! You are SO deserving of this award! Thank you for the nomination. :)

  6. Oh, um thanks for the award. Not sure I really deserve it because I think I tend to do quite a bit of complaining around here, but maybe I can use it as inspiration? I'll try to get around to my own group of nominations later this week, but for now I'm off to set up my new craft/guest room. :)

  7. ***blush***
    thank you for the award! god has been showing me much about living joyfully (1 thess. 5:16-18) lately- this is really an encouragement!

  8. I sent the link to your interview to my homeschool group here, as there was recently a discussion on different approaches to homeschooling! You're famous in this little part of the world now. :)

  9. Thank you so much! That brightened my day! I'll certainly participate in passing along the award... as soon as I get a minute1 xxoo

    Now, off to read the interview!


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