
Monday, October 13, 2008

I'll stop screaming now.

I'm sorry about the angry rant. I really shouldn't post when I haven't had a snack.

I wanted to bake cookies this afternoon to warm the house up, but I was missing too many ingredients, and the kids weren't up to running to the store. Anyhow, what I planned on posting about today was something much more uplifting...

That's my nearly-6-year-old climbing the rock wall this morning during the class he and his brother are taking with a bunch of other homeschoolers.

And there's my oldest at the top of the boulder, which the kids climb without a rope in between turns on the rope wall. It's so much fun to watch them! They've been doing really well and enjoying it.

Now we're off to have dinner with friends. It's so nice not to have to worry making dinner once a week. And we'll take some Newman's Own cookies instead of homebaked. Just this once.


  1. wow! your 5 yo is awesome! rock climbing is so much fun...

    about your previous post- i totally agree with you. her jibba jabba is just the wisdom of the world, man.

  2. Anonymous5:37 AM

    That whole place looks awesome. I wanna go!!!

  3. what a GREAT rock climbing place!
    looks like lots of fun for everyone

  4. It's pretty neat! We got a great deal being such a big group!

  5. That looks like so much fun :)

    We all have to have a rant once in a while. The stuff people think they have to have to be happy:( If they only knew they'd be so much happier without it! I agree that was totally crazy advice from Suzy Orman, sheesh.

    We just got over a two week cold and it got difficult to keep everybody mellow. The first few days weren't bad. We cuddled a lot, played legos a lot, listened to music, watched videos and drank mint tea. But as the misery continued on into the second week everybody started to get cranky lol. Thankfully we had some nice sunny weather and could get outside a bit. :)

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Say, I noticed on your book list that you are reading THE RIVER COTTAGE FAMILY COOKBOOK. What do you think of it? Is it worth having?

  7. Hi Darlene, I like the cookbook, but I haven't used it much yet. It seems to be a combination of basic classics that I already know how to make and unusual or typical British fare that's not very appealing to me.

    The pictures are lovely, and the text is fun to read, even if the boys and I never make it out to the beach to collect our own salt. :)

  8. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I just finished IRRESISTABLE REVOLUTION, and I totally loved it! Thanks for mentioning it in your blog. I'd never heard of it before. A really good and inspiring read.


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