
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back from the dead

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
--Matthew 11:28-30
Crazy as might seem to some, it is possible to be spiritually burdened by too many good things in one's life -- if that life is not centered in Jesus Christ, resting in God's mercy, upheld by His Love, disciplined by His Word.

I'm coming out of a spiritual funk brought on by too many cookies on my plate, so to speak. I've been doing, planning, rushing, trying too hard, falling exhausted and weepy on the couch -- and failing to put my trust in the Lord.

So, this Sunday I stayed home from church to spend some quality time with Him. Funny that it has to work that way sometimes, but for me, I just needed to be alone for awhile. I needed to go to the desert of my dusty living room, and listen for God's voice.

Of course, I heard it. Oh, how I missed that voice. I don't know how anyone lives without it. I don't think they truly do LIVE. I have never heard anyone who has known the Lord and left Him say how much better their life is now. I know there are people who've never known Him, and say, "I'm just fine, thanks." They don't know what they're missing.

I don't want to live without Him again EVER. He has given me the most blessed life -- but it is nothing when it's not focused on the Lord, I cannot appreciate it or enjoy it when I am not giving Him the glory.
I will praise You, oh Lord, my God, with all of my heart I will glorify you forever!
--Psalm 86:12


  1. Sometimes I think church is the last place we can really hear God. :)Sometimes it's just one more thing on our to-do list, when all He really wants is our attention and we can give that anywhere. Great post.

  2. This is a really good reminder. There are times when my life is so good, when I am so blessed, and I don't notice because I don't have my eyes on Him.

  3. what a wonderfully encouraging post!thanks for sharing!

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    wonderful post! I agree--I don't ever want to live without God either and want to remove anything that is a hindrance to my relationship with Him!

  5. How I love His voice... You're so right, there is nothing better. :) Just thinking about it makes me smile. He's always right there, so close the moment we stop and look for Him. I never cease to be amazed by His patience with us. Thank you for sharing.:)

  6. Thank you for your authenticity... Such a blessing!

  7. I feel the same way sometimes, it is refreshing to stay home and seek the Lord in the quiet sometimes. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi CCM,

    I agree with Jena, you didn't stay away from 'church' because you are church!

    The Church of God is the people of God which is why He was there at home with you all the time, waiting for you 'in the desert of your dusty living room'.

    Even Jesus needed space, alone, to be with His Father... you are in good company!

  9. Thank you for your comments, everybody. I do feel like church has been a distraction from God at times. I go there to serve His people, and that is good and important, but I don't always connect with Him there. We've been struggling with that for a long time at our parish, but haven't felt released from our service there yet.


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