
Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Kitchen: Slowly, but surely

I don't suppose you don't want to hear all about the details of our first building inspection and how Scott had to climb into the attic again to reinforce ceiling joists...?

Let's just say it's been a lot of hurry-up-and-wait this week. BUT, we finally passed initial inspection, the drywaller is hard at work finishing the new walls, and my part in the job effort is about to get much bigger.

Did I mention that we decided to continue the hardwood floors we have in the front rooms straight into the kitchen? We've had leftover flooring sitting in our garage for seven years, waiting for us to decide where to use it. (We considered using it in our bedroom, which has some water damage.)

Obviously it's much friendlier to the budget to use what we already have -- and I think it will be beautiful. (We originally thought we'd install Marmoleum in a dark blue and butter yellow checkerboard. The price tag was a reality check.)

So, since the wood flooring is unfinished, and we want it to flow seamlessly between the rooms, Scott will need to refinish the final coat on the floors in the living and dining rooms at the same time.

AND, since we have to take out all the furniture to do that, and the new drywall has to be painted in the kitchen and dining room... I'll be repainting all three rooms (including ceilings and moldings) starting next week!

Yes, this project just grew significantly, and we're already four weeks behind my initial unrealistic schedule, I'm afraid there's no point in getting anxious to see final pictures just yet. *wink*

But I'll give you some peeks at colors and decorating details in my next post... will that do?


  1. Wow! You DO have a lot of work ahead of you! I love hardwood floors in a kitchen. That's what we have, and I think they are so lovely and homey.

  2. will be amazing! I always loved the whole same floor flowing look...would have done that in our townhouse had we stayed there. Thanks for the update! :)


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