
Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Kitchen: Progress!

It's hard to believe it's been a full month since we started remodeling our kitchen.

It has been an arduous, tedious process. And since the chimney removal, it's also been mostly a one-man show -- definitely a labor of love by my Love, who has graciously refrained from reminding me repeatedly that this was not his idea.

In the last three weeks, Scott took out all the soffits...

He tore out the studs between the dining room, kitchen and pantry, making it one giant open room (temporarily)...

He removed the vinyl flooring and particle board subfloor. (It took 8 hours just to chisel the particle board out of the laundry room because of the way the last remodel was done!)

And then, while the boys and I were off at the beach, he got strep throat.

Between the 105-degree weather outside, the giant hole in the ceiling letting in the heat, and the constant dust, he definitely needed a break to rest. (This project makes teaching geometry to teenagers feel almost like a vacation.)

This weekend, after four weeks of peeling back layer after layer of old remodel and original structures, he finally crossed from demolition to construction!

He put in the first new wood to repair the old floor and subfloor, and he built the new wall above and below the new peninsula!!

This was a seriously momentous occasion! A turning point! A cause for celebration!

I've seen Scott get a new surge of energy and motivation for the project in the last few days, working longer hours after school, spurred on by the visual evidence of his efforts.

Both the subfloor and the old pine flooring need more repairing and levelling before the new flooring can go on top. He has to finish framing the new broom closet before the drywall can be done -- but, oh! Won't that be amazing to see?!


  1. Wow, what a job! I bet it is going to be wonderful.

  2. Thankjs for the Update! How is your garden? I have tomatoes and peppers coming out my ears!!

  3. How exciting - and how wonderful that your husband has the know-how to do the job! Can't wait to see the finished project.

  4. Oh wow...and strep?? Very exciting though. can't wait to see more progress photos! :) we are almost done with the swingset!! LOL. not much comparison is there.

  5. Great progress! But what a long hard process!

  6. Woo-hoo! Way to go Scott!

  7. It looks like it's coming along really nicely!

    I'd say another week to go and everything will be done?

  8. That is a big job, but you enjoy and appreciate the outcome so much more when you have done it yourself. Poor guy, I just got over strep myself (I for some reason always get it this time of year) and the summer heat makes you feel worse.

  9. All I can say is... Oh my! Has Scott taken classes in home rebuilding, repair, updating?! I am sooooo impressed! My geometry teacher taught us how to play poker by the way!!!I loved geometry. Those were the days!


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