
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St. Patrick's Day traditions

 We have always been a wee bit in love with St. Patrick's Day around here, since long before we actually knew much about the Christian saint himself. Who knew he wasn't even Irish?!

Last year we finally learned the true story of the fifth century Bishop to Ireland, but we still kept up with some of our favorite traditions -- like the Leprechaun hunt.

The year before we'd celebrated twice -- once with friends up the mountain, and then at home on the 17th.

And this post takes me waaaay back down memory lane, to when I was pregnant with Littlest, and we spent a rainy St. Patrick's day eating too many sweets with my mom. We went searching for a pot of gold, but instead found the rainbow.

Do you do anything fun to celebrate the man who explained the Trinity with a shamrock, and brought Christ to the Irish?


  1. We have been enjoying a whole week of fun, with all the school subjects:

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Well around here it is big at our parish. So first a mass in his honor. Home for shamrock pancakes. Maybe a craft about the trinity/shamrock.

    Reading the saint's story about him. A lovely dessert (in the middle of Lent!).

  3. It always gives me a giggle at this time of year that the rest of the world gets a bigger kick out of StPatrick than we, the Irish, do!! LOL! Enjoy St Patricks Day!! Cx

  4. No don't have traditions but thanks to you- I now know what St. Patrick's day is about! :)

  5. When I click on "this post" it doesn't lead anywhere. Just wanted you to know. Mom

  6. Thanks for the links! We have a special affinity for st. Patti's day too- our little Moonpie was conceived in Ireland. So we celebrate! Today our focus will be on forgiveness. Have you seen the embroidery pattern on wild Olive?

  7. Anonymous9:28 AM

    we go on a walk with you!!!!!

  8. We do a story bag on St. Patrick's life and enjoy lots of great stories. I think St. Patrick's story is such fun. I posted about it on my blog. (

    I've just found your blog and am always grateful for inspiration. Thanks.



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