
Saturday, November 27, 2010


This Thanksgiving, I was thankful... that I was the only one who was sick (and that it's not any worse than a cold).


...for all the help my hubby and boys gave with the food prep -- peeling apples, snapping green beans, baking cornbread for the stuffing, peeling potatoes.

...that my mother always sets such a beautiful table (and I didn't have to clean my house).

...that my recipe for herbed-butter turkey worked out deliciously.

...that my dad's always willing to do the carving.

...that my sister Lindsay surprised us by showing up Thanksgiving morning -- again!

...that no one minded when I completely forgot about the cranberry sauce.

 ...that we could have a sense of humor about Littlest begging for apple pie all afternoon, and then walking away from it after two bites. ;)

...that it's not just about the food, but the blessing of sharing it with each other...


  1. I am so thankful to living right next door to you and your beautiful family. Your turkey was scrumptious, so juicy and tender! Love you much!

  2. Yum! Tell us all about that herb buttered turkey!


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