
Monday, November 15, 2010

A random act of evangelism...

Did you hear about Handel's Hallelujah Chorus being performed as a Random Act of Culture by the Opera Company of Philadelphia in Macy's two weeks ago?

If you need a kick in the pants (like I did) to start thinking about Christmas, this should do it! A choir of 650 voices performed alongside the largest pipe organ in the world...

And He shall reign forever and ever!!! Amen!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing that.

  2. Thank you for giving us this awesome reminder that we can sleep peacefully because HE is ALWAYS.

  3. Wasn't that incredible? A childhood friend of mine, now living up there, was scheduled to take part in that with her church choir. She ended up not being able to participate because she had just gratefully accepted work from the local theatre creating costumes for them. That would be SO much fun to be a part of!


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