
Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday nature table?

These were supposed to post on Friday, but better late than never, right?

Eldest discovered the apples were ripe on my parents' tree next door, so of course we had to go snag a bunch.

Littlest stopped to watch a snail make its way across the lawn...

I stopped to admire the light through the pecan tree...

We were there at just the right time to gather the nuts that had fallen to the ground in the last week.

The boys arranged the pecans in an array of eight groups of 10, and then told me they'd done their math for the day...

More signs of fall... dried seed pods on the mimosa tree.

1 comment:

  1. We're finally starting to look like fall in the valley - think we'll do a gathering of autumn today. :)
    I've been waiting!

    Maybe make some nature art, too!

    Thanks for reminding me.


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