
Monday, October 11, 2010

A full day of science and art

I am so very grateful to have certain friends who enjoy coordinating and hosting lots of fun for the kiddos! We spent today experimenting with the magic of air pressure, energy, mirrors and light...

They made reflective "cameras" out of toilet paper rolls by stretching tissue paper across one end, foil across the other, poking a tiny hole in the foil, and then peeking through it in a dark room to see a light bulb reflected upside-down inside the tissue.

Then they headed to the garage to paint dioramas of prehistoric scenes from Magic Tree House books they read this week...

And finished up with ivory (soap) carvings like people made during the ice age (and thereafter until it was no longer legal).

Thank you, Christina!!


  1. Looks like a great day!

  2. ooooh, dinosaur dioramas. that's rockin'.

  3. wait...why wasn't it legal to make soap sculptures? i'm intrigued!

  4. I wanna do soap carvings soon, too! It was on our Dangerous Book CLub for Boys list. (missed it.)

    Looks like a super fun day!!

  5. I like the science posts! I've never liked science growing up, so I don't have too many science things that I come up with myself. My son of course LOVES science. Posts like these really help me!

    Oh ya....we did the housewife thing in the morning yesterday. Some of us had our little ones there playing in the playroom. They were really well behaved and just played together. BUT I was thinking....if you know of more bloggers in our area, we should totally do a get together with the other blogger Moms. I want to meet everyone!

  6. You are totally welcome, Ms. Amanda!!! Everyone had a really great time and there should be more at the next Magic Club day. Got two messages with plans for two other families to join us next time. Hope to see you Monday for History Club (relax this weekend and take care of self so you can come!!)


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