
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Autumn Daybook

I haven't done a Simple Woman's Daybook post in so long, and it feels right for today...

Outside my window... the sky is grey and the air is cool. It finally feels like Fall!

I am thankful for... the change in the weather.

I am wearing... JEANS! Finally! And a grey-and-white-striped t-shirt. 

I am listening to... the kids play their instruments.

I am pondering... what to do next with science.

I am praying for... healing, peace, and the same for my friends.

I am reading... "The Beekeeper's Apprentice."

We are reading together... "The Last Battle," "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," and "Guardians of Ga'Hoole: The Capture"

The boys... have kung fu tonight.

In the kitchen... organic purple grapes, and lentil soup waiting to be reheated.

On my needles... a simple shawl in shades of violet is half-finished.

In the garden... the ground needs to be cleared of weeds.

Around the house... the surfaces are begging to be dusted -- and decorated for fall.

Plans for the rest of the week... just the usual routine so far, maybe a nature walk tomorrow.

From my camera... dirty feet, because it's cool enough to play outside!


  1. Glorious... simply glorious!!!

    A great snapshot into your day!!!

  2. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I love wearing jeans and a tee, too. So comfy! Even better when you can throw on a fleece!


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