
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet my boys

I've really been enjoying the Not Back to School blog hop at Heart of the Matter -- it's so fun to see how unique our homeschooling families are! I'm excited to welcome those of you who have found my blog in the last few weeks! I'd love for you to meet the three boys I am blessed to call my sons...

Eldest, age 9, fourth grade:

Our energetic, talkative firstborn, the scientist, who loves learning new things as much as he loves telling you about it. He's our champion chess player, Lego fanatic and kung fu green belt. He loves all of God's creatures, even the ones the rest of us would prefer never think about. He'll have his own classroom or Nat Geo TV show someday. But this year he's looking forward to taking cello lessons, learning more math, and studying the Ancient Romans.

Middlest, age 7, third grade:

Our secondborn is perfectly positioned between his brothers to be the team player that he is. Always available for a hug or a game of tag, he is happiest when surrounded by people who like to move as much as he does. He loves language, and is excited to study Latin and German this year. Some day he'll be a missionary, a mediator or an electric violin-wielding rock star.

Littlest, age 4:


Our youngest boy is the quiet one with the iron will. He'll either charm your socks off or bite your head off -- but he'll be sure to kiss it afterward! He loves dinosaurs, playing with his brothers, impressing us with his with Lego Bionicle creations, and being read to. At this point, his future is limitless!


  1. :)
    love this post! :)

  2. As a middle-born child who, as an adult, became a mediator, I'll be interested to see where that middle son of yours ends up!

    THey're lovely boys. Thanks for introducing us!



  3. I love the way you styled this post. The first photo of each of the boys looks like a school photo and second photo of each shows off their fabulous personalities! I miss those boys even if it's only been two days since I saw them last!

  4. Hi, I just step at here while I'm searching about homeschooling. I have been reading well almost all your post.And I like this, specially!!

    nice to meet you boys!!

  5. Hey Amanda!
    We are home from our road trip. Whew!

    Your school room looks great! Your boys are so cute!

    Here's to a great year : )


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