
Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Camp 2010

This weekend was our annual trip to the Sequoias for our church's Family Camp. It was beautiful, as always. The kids had a blast running from one activity to another, as always. And we got to share it with some of our best friends -- both camp regulars and first-timers -- which was awesome.

I'd planned to spend some time playing with my camera and taking portraits of the boys in the gorgeous landscape, but I ended up immobilized in the lodge with ice on my leg, after slipping down a sandy rock and pulling a muscle or two -- right after I took the above photo. (Fortunately, I had my knitting with me!)

Meanwhile, Scott chased the boys around making sure no one drowned, got eaten by a bear, or shot his eye out. They were kind enough to come and update me on their adventures every once in a while, like after tying for top score in pellet shooting...

Littlest preferred to keep me company while building robots, while Scott was on full-time Dad duty.


My mom kept my tea mug filled and my spirits up -- and made sure I didn't fall again! She probably has lots more photos, too, which I'm sure she'll post on her blog soon.

I'm walking again, although with a little limp, so hopefully I can catch those boys of mine long enough to take some better pictures tomorrow!


  1. We sure had a good time! Thanks for inviting me along.

  2. Hope your leg is better!

    Looks like great fun- and how lovely a place!


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