
Sunday, July 11, 2010

On the road: South Dakota

After three days of traveling from the San Juans across three states and through Yellowstone National Park, we thought we'd take a couple days in Cody, Wyoming to sleep, swim, do laundry, and catch up on blogging. But that didn't quite work out.

Instead, after a full day of driving and hiking through Yellowstone, Scott pulled an all-nighter, driving across Wyoming to South Dakota while the kids slept in the backseat, and I tried not to sleep in the front.

That's how powerful the idea of "home" is.

We were two days early, but we knew his mom would make us a big breakfast, and we could shower, and nap all day if we wanted. He woke up her up just after sunrise to tell her we were in South Dakota, and how do we get there, anyway, since it's not on the map?


Finally at Mema's house! Which happens to be a perfect place for flying kites...

It's also a perfect place to go fishing...


Or, if it's a rainy 4th of July, to play Mexican Train dominoes...

My mother-in-law's house is also near Custer, South Dakota, which is minutes away from Mount Rushmore National Monument, and an excellent place to learn a little history...

And to celebrate our country's Independence Day with tourists from all over and new Custer friends...

I hope you were able to celebrate the 4th with family, friends and freedom!


  1. Great photos! My husband was in Cody a few years ago he said it was fantastic and Yellowstone was absolutely wonderful. Can't wait to see more pics.

  2. sweet! i love that you guys are getting to visit so much family on this trip!

  3. LOVE this post full of LOVE

  4. Finally catching up, what a wonderful time with the other grandma! :) And SO cool about flying kites...Wesley is desperate to do that but there is no air here! ;)


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