
Monday, July 12, 2010

On the road: Reptile Gardens in SD

Between Mt. Rushmore and Rapid City, SD, tourists and locals can find all sorts of things to do and see, including the awesome Reptile Gardens.

We weren't sure what to expect from the "Crocodilian Wrestling Show," but this docent was so informative and entertaining, even the crocs and 'gators seemed to like him...


The gardens were home to exotic birds and some of the most venomous and rarest reptiles in the world. Scott was impressed to see they had the highly venomous black mamba and boomslang snakes, and even more impressed that they had snakes he'd never heard of before!



  1. Great photos Amanda! I love the new header photo too.

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I like the way Franklin blends in with the background!! I like your new header also!

  3. Wow! Very cool place!

    Glad you're home : )

  4. On our last cross-continent trip we broke down at Mt Rushmore and ended up spending several days in Rapid City waiting for repairs. What a great place to be stuck for a few days! The Reptile Gardens was definitely a highlight. The kids loved the reptile show and I loved the awesome gift shop! I also loved all of the great mineral specimens in the habitats with the snakes. Really neat.

  5. I LOVE your blog and I am awed by you young moms. The words of your fingers touched my heart just because I was searching for a fresh fig muffin recipe! I found yours and it has been a hit around our neighborhood and at Agape Hour at church. I changed "walnuts" to pecans from our very own trees that my Dear Heart picked out himself. See, very old grand mothers learn from you eager and energetic young women. God is blessing you and those who drop by your blog immensely. My goal for the remainder of 2010 is to post on my own blog more regularly. You've inspired me. And thank you for your recipe. I put your blog address on it as I pass your recipe around. Blessings, Liz at


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