
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

23 Days to Christmas: Gingerbread cookies!

It's not December until we break out my mom's gingerbread recipe! Let the baking and sharing begin!


  1. I remember that post now from last year. I really need a good gingerbread recipe. Thanks!!!

  2. I only wish I didn't have to miss out on the fun because of a little thing called work! L.O.L.

  3. We don't know each other at all and yet have a tremendous amount in common! Being a mom to 3 boys being top on the list. Stumbled onto your site looking for Christian mom blogs to share with my mom's group at church. We live way on the other side of this big ole U.S of A in Virginia. Made you a new favorite for my blog mornings.
    This is my blog if you're a little curious about me. Have a wonderfully blessed, testosterone filled day!!

  4. whoa! wish we could have attended that party! looks awesome.


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