
Thursday, December 03, 2009

22 Days to Christmas: Knitted gifts

One down, half a dozen to go... I'm trying (rather unsuccessfully) not to be too ambitious with my knitting this Christmas. I'm using a few patterns from One Skein, and a couple more freebies off Ravelry. One cabled scarf took me three weeks of intermittent knitting! I'm only making things for immediate family -- we'll see how far I get!

What handmade gifts are you giving this year?


  1. ooohhhh that pattern looks luscious! please point me in the right direction!
    right now I've knit 6 cable beanie hats (from the pattern you posted) and have figured out the adult version:
    use the Large size (cast on 92 sts) and keep GOING on the repetitions...many more 4-5x more...then jump back into the directions for reducing and finishing! Voila! One of my students has already knit three of these in three days.

  2. I was trying to do all handmade/knitted, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to afterall. We'll just see. Working on a zipped vest for my father-in-law now, just finished a couple toys for my nieces, and I've gotten a few sweaters done for other family members.

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    no handmade gifts this year unless you count hugs!! :)

  4. A rich, coffee brown is one of my very favorite colors. Well, this time of year, anyway. :)

    We went just about 100% handmade last year - except we bought stuff for our babies. I loved it. Doing it again this year. (not knitting, though. :) )

  5. Anonymous8:57 PM

    none:( I wish I started earlier. Now, getting so close to my due date...nada for sure. But, I love looking at everyone's doodads! I so want one of those gingerbread cookies. yum!

  6. we go. if i put it 'out there', maybe i'll get it all done!

    - levi a 'wee wonderfuls' astronaut doll
    -dylin a 'waldorf' inspired doll- and all the clothes for it (this is by far my most ambitious project)
    - a vintage apron that i'm embellishing for my mom- the grandbaby's handprints appliqued and embroidered 'nana's helpers' on the pocket
    -star baby for my little nephew
    -baggie drying tree for my brother
    - beach blanket/quilt for my sis
    -some face oil for sister
    -comfrey and calendula salve for my MIL (just had surgery for cancer)
    -lots and lots of granola

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I am making a scarf for Darrin and I've made several hats for Emmy...does that count along with hugs and smiles!!

  8. I'm trying to finish a hat for baby William, my first! Simple pattern, seems to be taking me forever. Maybe he'll have to enjoy it on a cool New England night... the rest of you are motivating me!

  9. Making crayon and pencil rolls for my boys. Meant to do a lot more hand made this year, but never got started. Do photos count? :)


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