
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ready for T-Day?

Do you have your Thanksgiving menu planned? I am overwhelmed with the possibilities for deliciousness...

There's the turkey, of course. Store-bought, heritage, gift from work, or Tofurkey? Wet-brined, dry-brined or unbrined? I want to try dry-brining our heritage bird this year. Which means I need to pull it out of the freezer tomorrow. I'm going to try Ina Gaskin's Garten's (Oops! I always do that! LOL) garlic/mustard powder/dry herb rub, but I'll stuff it with orange, lemon and fresh herbs from the garden ala Giada. Think that's overkill?!

I love good ol' garlic-mashed-Yukon-gold-potatoes. But as it happens, we have no Yukon golds this year. We do have a few turnips, white potatoes, sweet potatoes (yams), acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots and pumpkins! But how many starches does a Thanksgiving meal need? What would you make...

Garlic mashed turnips and white potatoes or
Roasted sweet potatoes or
Honey-thyme acorn squash or
Butternut squash lasagne or
Dilled carrots or
Pumpkin soup?

And what about greens? I could roast broccoli, sautee spinach with garlic, steam green beans, or keep it cool with a spinach salad with cranberries, candied pecans and blue cheese.

And then there's the stuffing... in the bird or out? I'm for out, most definitely. In which case, shouldn't it be called "dressing"?

I have a favorite rosemary pecan cornbread stuffing recipe. But my grandmother may come this year, and she can't eat nuts... so, Ina Garten's sausage apple stuffing is really tempting me!

If those choices aren't enough, check out Food Network's menu list! (Do I have to wait until Thursday to start cooking?!)

Dessert will be simple, at least. I'm baking two of the best apple pies you'll ever eat, and my mom's picking up pumpkin -- unless I decide to make that myself, too.

Having your own Thanksgiving 911? Amanda and Merrill are answering tons of great questions about Thanksgiving dinner at Food52!

(And Mom, remind me to take some pictures of the food this year! I have no visual record of past feasts!)


  1. Hi Amanda! Oh my goodness I sure wish I was eating at your house!! LOL
    We make Giada's Mediterranean turkey every year and it turns out fantastic. I would vote for the roasted sweet potatoes. Easy, and kids love them!
    Your salads are the best I've ever tasted. I vote for that.
    Your family is so lucky. You make it all from scratch! I make a lot, but I do buy some stuff from Trader Joes. Makes me happier on the big day.

  2. Hi Melinda! Cooking's the fun part -- I'm off the hook for cleanup after the feast! ;)

  3. thyme acorn squash! yes, please!
    and i vote for one cold salad. that's always nice- some enzymes to help digest all the butter!

    i'm with excited to host this year i can't even wait!

  4. Methinks you are getting your passions a little mixed... unless Ina Gaskin also makes turkeys in addition to catching babies. Perhaps you meant Ina Garten's garlic/mustard powder/dry herb rub?

    LOL. ;)

    Anyway, we're doing a very small T-day with just us on Thursday. So I'm only making a half breast, some cranberry sauce, wild rice stuffing from a Better Homes and Gardens Thanksgiving Special mag I've had a few years and mashed potatoes.

    Then Saturday my husband's parents are coming into town and we'll be going over to his sister's house for a full on feast.

    Or I could go into labor way too early and all those plans could be thrown out the window.

  5. So much yumminess! I'm with you--How to choose? :D

  6. OK. I vote for garlic mashed turnips & potatoes AND pumpkin soup...nice color contrasts. At my house we have creamed spinach every year (a tradition since childhood), but sauteed brussels sprouts are also super yummy. Finally, stuffind outside the bird, definitely. (But, I say that as a vegetarian ;) ).

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    (Austen at

  7. I'm a bit late on this, but I would have gone for the pumpkin soup. delicious.


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