
Friday, November 06, 2009

Dinos on Ice

Obviously, I don't mean the kind in costume and on skates. ;)

I have mentioned a few times how much my boys love dinosaurs. I ordered a new book a few weeks ago to add to our collection and to go along with what we're reading in "The Mystery of History." I love how the author of "Mystery of History" works a chapter about dinosaurs into the section on the Flood and the Ice Age. Even if it's all a bit speculative.

Knowing we were getting close to that section, I was inspired by Bona Fide Mama to ice over a little surprise for the boys...

They LOVED this project. What's the only thing better than playing with dinosaurs? Digging up their fossils, of course!

We got to do a bit more of that a few weeks ago when we spent an afternoon at our local natural history museum. It's not a fancy museum, but it does the job when you're in the mood for a little prehistory!

Back at home... Do you think we have enough dinosaur books?

Nah. Thankfully, my friend Christina doesn't either. Her girls are finished with dinos, so she keeps passing on more to us! She gave us a few new ones last week, along with the Dinosaur Land game, which the boys broke out as soon as breakfast was over.

Nearly all of our dinosaur books are hand-me-downs or gifts. We have quite a few nonfiction tomes, which the boys can't get enough of, but the picture books are my favorites. I love the illustrations in Jane Yolen and Mark Teague's "How Do Dinosaurs...?" series. And Dinosaur ABC has been read many, many times. And how would we have survived toddlerhood without all of Sandra Boynton's dinos?

Now, if we were actually doing unit studies, I could say we "finished up" our prehistory lesson by watching "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs," which finally came from Netflix yesterday.

But we all know that'd be a load of coprolite. ;)


  1. thanks for the link! i'm so glad that they enjoyed the project. i keep forgetting to freeze a few other things too. maybe my mancala stones (my new favorite thing like ever!). good times.

  2. Have you guys played Dinosaur World? It's on the bbc website. It's a good one... you can walk around in a realistic 3d world. Pretty cool.

  3. I wonder if Trev would be interested in chipping them out of ice.
    I'll ask!


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