
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Celebrating the Fourth

I hope you've had a fun and freedom-filled Independence Day weekend! Ours was full of everything red, white, and blue...

Fruit salad with blueberries, strawberries, and watermelon... Rainier cherries...

Tomatoes from the garden for our bbq'd burgers...

Sprinkle cookies...

Fresh blue paint on the walls of the boys' new bedroom...

And new red curtains...

I celebrated our country's independence by staying home alone Saturday night to clean and prep the bedroom, while Scott took the boys to a Fourth of July celebration for games, treats, fireworks, and to see our friends perform in a play.

For the last 20 years, I've spent the morning of every Fourth of July at the annual neighborhood parade on the street where I grew up. It ended last year, and we missed it yesterday. We might have to begin that tradition anew on our own street next year.


  1. I LOVE the colors you chose for the bedroom!!!!!!

  2. love the blue on the walls!

  3. I spent the evening of the 4th home alone too. My hubby and his brother took the girls to fireworks. It was nice to have some peace and quiet.

    Are you a geranium lover too? I have a ton, and I overwinter them.

    Lisa :)

  4. Your 4th of July decorations look great. Glad you had a great time.

  5. Lisa & Kathy -- the photo of the flags and geraniums is from my mom's house, where we ate all weekend -- because my own dining room was a mess! :)


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