
Friday, May 22, 2009

On our own and making plans...

"For I know the plans I have for you" --this is the Lord's declaration-- "plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
--Jeremiah 29:11
Scott left soon after dinner tonight for a long-awaited weekend away to practice his favorite hobby, so the boys and I are on our own for the next two days.

It's okay. In only one week, he'll be finished with school, and we'll have all summer together. This was an emotionally difficult year for him, so instead of taking on summer school, he decided to stay home. I know we're really blessed to say so, but the extra cash is just not worth the time and stress this year.

Even as I'm wilting with our recent heat wave, I am SO looking forward to the summer! It will be so lovely, just to have time to be together as a family, reading, playing, swimming, going camping, and getting projects done around the house.

This week I've been reading and praying, making lists and planning, gathering books and supplies, trying to prioritize and be realistic about what we can do. There are so many possibilities! I know summer's going to fly by, and I want to make the most of every moment.

And, of course, I want to share them with you. But tonight, I need to get some sleep. My vitamins are definitely helping -- praise God! -- but I'm still human, and these boys take energy. :)


  1. hope Jeff has a great trip sometimes we need that time away just to recharge and come back ready to be with those we love.

    yes theres so much to do over the summer its easy to just get so over whelmed and not get anything done we pplan. We love just hanging by the pool and beign together, we often go to the park and swim in the stream. Snowballs are another summer must have:-)

  2. so glad that your supplements are working! hope you are feeling awesome really soon.

  3. Super glad to hear the vitamins are working. You're starting to sound like an energetic and totally ready for summer mom!

  4. Great attitude! I understand looking forward to the school break and preparing already for the next. I've been researching a lot. I'm sorry I've been absent, I left a post on my blog explaining everything.

  5. hi there from one homeschooling mom to another. I admire your style of home education, the unschooling. Once I had to actually take off a whole year from our normal schooling around our home... so we ventured into unschooling for that year. I fretted over the portfolio that I had to some how pull together for the state evaluation... I was so nervous, but in the end I was told we had done a beautiful job of school thoughout the year! (YaY God!) Needless to say... we are a very, very relaxed homeschool around here anyway and the closest style of homeschoolig method we match is 'Charlotte Mason'.

    I really enjoyed your garden pics.
    Have a great weekend.


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