
Friday, May 29, 2009

Fiber Arts Friday: Stitchin' Boys

Who says boys can't enjoy the fine art of stitchery?

Last week my older two were both inspired to pick up their knitting, and start new projects, after their friend across the street finished crocheting his first blanket.

I love seeing my boys knit. I love that it gives Eldest something to do in the wee morning hours when the rest of us would prefer to be asleep still!

This week, I got out a little surprise -- embroidery hoops, thread, and some burlap. Inspired by Soulemama and her awesome book, "The Creative Family," I thought this would be an even easier project, at least to start.

It's like drawing with thread! For several years, my oldest son's preferred art medium has been Legos. He has a personal aversion to most writing or drawing utensils.

But needles are cool.

For more Fiber Arts Fridays, visit Alpaca Farm Girl.


  1. what a great idea. i bet he-man would love to embroidery!

  2. Needles hate me--really they do. I prefer a pencil anyday. :) On the other hand, my three would love this so maybe we will give it a go.

  3. that's great! good for them. it's always wonderful to find something new you really enjoy doing. :)

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Haha, how sweet. I would love for my three year old to help me crochet.. but like I said, he's three... he's more interested in picking his nose as of now :o) I love the pictures!!

  5. That is so neat. I never thought of having my boys do any kind of needlework. But they love anything sharp so I'm thinking they would love it!

  6. this is great! i love to see your boys doing this. the repetition, the stillness, the quiet, all so very important in our hectic lives.

  7. Christina11:23 PM

    Thanks for directing me to Alpaca Farm Girl's blog. Found another blog called A Year of Crockpotting. Copying off recipes as I type. Perhaps I will surprise Mark with making dinner for a change. Speaking about Alpacas, we all went to the local farmer's market (first one of the season-summer is here) and I got the Alpaca Farm's flyer. When do you want to go on a tour? I was thinking 6/15 after the party, like 3PM or 6/22 anytime. Got a preference and would either work for the group. You could get some Alpaca yarn (:

  8. This is a wonderful post. Thanks so much for sharing it with Fiber Arts Fridays! I love the idea that boys can learn fiber arts too.

    It makes me miss homeschooling. I homeschooled my kids for 5 years and loved it. I wrote an article on Homeschooling with Alpacas for Alpacas magazine. If anybody would like to read it, you can email me at katy at

  9. I requested that book at the library and I can't wait to get it!!! So fun that you are doing that with your boys. I LOVED anything involving thread and yarn growing up. My favorite was latch hook (hilarious, I know). I bet they'd really enjoy that because they can make something cool like a dragon or a dog or something. :)

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I might need to borrow your book Amanda:)!

  11. I love this! I have this book out from the library right now too. Very inspiring.

  12. This is fantastic! My 2-year-old daughter has been loving play with button and thread, and would just freak out on this. What age did you start letting your kids use sharp needles?


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