
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Why is it that something as simple as menu planning can make such a huge difference in how the week flows? Last week I never got around to it, and ended up going to the store without a complete list just so we'd have lunch to take to park day.

Planning my menu for the week forces me to look at the big picture -- our planned activities, my budget, what's already in the fridge -- so I know how to make the most of our CSA produce, and where I need to fit in shopping and baking.

And it's so nice to be able to look at my list on the fridge in the morning and know just what to make for dinner that night. Or, to know that I actually remembered to take the chicken out of the freezer!

This week's menu:

Granola (make more on Thursday)
Scrambled eggs and toast
Apple muffins
French toast
Sunday Waffles

Cheese quesadillas
Spinach salad w/roasted beets, mandarins and walnuts

Monday -- Salmon w/ sauteed carrots and swiss chard, apple crisp.

Tuesday -- Minestrone soup, multigrain soda bread -- deliver half to friends w/new baby

Wednesday -- Roast chicken w/potatoes, carrots and onions

Thursday -- BBQ chicken pizza
Bake cookies, make pizza dough

Friday --
Lunch/playdate: Fritatta w/bacon and swiss chard
Dinner for kids: chicken corn chowder

Saturday -- Dinner with friends (find out what to bring!)

Sunday -- Lentil soup

Head over to Laura's blog to see more great menus!


  1. Thanks for sharing your menu for the week. You have some great ideas. I'm in the midst of planning right now...have to go to the grocery. What fun!

  2. Not to mention, living right next door, it's nice to know what's for dinner at your house. L.O.L. Mom

  3. i totally agree with you. to me it is a real pain to plan the menu, but i feel soooo good after i do. it frees up that spot in my brain that spends so much time thinking about food to think about...other stuff!

    i want to hear more about your spinach and beet salad. that sounds fantastic!

  4. Saturday, 5:30 p.m., please bring: you, your husband, your children. Soup shall be served...what about any child-friendly food to include? Give me some ideas and it shall be done.
    Looking forward to seeing you all!!


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