
Monday, November 24, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook: Thanksgiving preparations

FOR TODAY, Monday, November 24...

Outside my window... the sky is grey, the leaves are blowing gently and beginning to cover the ground with orange, yellow and brown. It really feels like fall.

I am thinking... about how to make Advent really meaningful for the boys this year.

I am thankful for... all the help from our friends this weekend. They came for a work co-op day, and helped trim the mulberry, paint the picnic table, and mulch the garden. Plus we just enjoyed their company!

From the learning rooms... we've been watching "Sarah: Plain & Tall" while folding laundry this morning. ("Why can't we have a farm, Mom?" "Because Daddy doesn't want to be a farmer.") The boys have been re-learning to knit this week after a few months away from their needles.

From the kitchen... grilled cheese sandwiches and strawberry/banana smoothies for lunch. Later we'll make apple cobbler for tonight's dessert.

I am wearing... jeans, my dark green Camp San Joaquin Episcopal t-shirt with a long sleeve underneath, raspberry pink socks, and my Uggs with their holey toes.

I am creating... lists of want-to-dos for holiday activities and memory-making, photo gifts on Kodak Gallery, socks on my knitting needles.

I am going... to finish watching "Sarah: Plain & Tall" after I do the lunch dishes.

I am reading... "The Irresistible Revolution" still. Very good, but best to digest it slowly for it to really do its job.

I am hoping... that Scott can forgive his mom for not coming home for Christmas.

I am hearing... the clank of Cootie toys and Legos.

Around the house... I'm excited to get Christmas decorations out this weekend! In the meantime, I have to finish all this laundry.

One of my favorite things... "The Sound of Music"! We watched it again a few days ago while knitting for a few hours.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Getting ready for Thanksgiving! I'm making lentil soup tomorrow to last us until Thursday. Wednesday I'll bake apple pies. My sister is coming from San Francisco, and bringing a pumpkin cream cheese tart from a favorite bakery. I get to do all of the cooking this year, including my favorite stuffing recipe, which I'll post later.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

The first apple pie I ever made! I baked it last week for our homeschooling group Thanksgiving feast at the park. I'll share the recipe later this week. :)

Find more Daybooks at The Simple Woman.


  1. That is the first apple pie that you've baked? It's beautiful. You must be an apple pie savant.

  2. Your apple pie is so pretty and it tasted yummy!

  3. How did we miss co-op day?? Or are we booted out? We were out of town!

  4. Your pie looks very yummy and pretty too!!

    I get to cook Thanksgiving at my house this year too!! I'm so excited. : )

  5. CCM,

    You have just proved beyond doubt that what many regard as the 'simple' things in life are in fact easily the best and beyond price.

    I bet there were lots of smiles and laughter for the times you described as well. I walked through a local shopping mall recently and did not see one person smiling let alone laughing.

    When I read your post I remembered Proverbs 15:17. "Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred".

    It looks as though you have both the love AND the equivalent of the fatted calf!

    May your blessings continue without ending...


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