
Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's finally Fall!

"So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today—to love the LORD your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul. Then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil."
--Deuteronomy 11:13-14
After weeks of 85-degree afternoons, we woke up to gray skies and weather that actually felt like autumn.

Yesterday we celebrated my middle son's sixth birthday at the park, and it was so warm the ice cream melted before we got to the cupcakes. We've had plenty of sunny Octobers, but none so consistently warm that I remember.

But today the wind has been blowing, and the front yard is covered with leaves from our mulberry tree. I had the kids come inside to play when the wind picked up and the air began filled with dust. Hopefully it will actually rain soon.

In the meantime, we've been carving our pumpkins, drinking hot chocolate and cider, and eating too many sweets. I made rice krispy treats, and our neighbors made the most adorable cupcakes with peanut butter cup bats on them. Then we traded, of course.

I love being able to spend the day at home when the weather is too nasty to go out. We've had so many busy days lately, lots of running errands and doing fun things, too, but I've been craving a day just to stay home and play. I've been craving this change in the weather after the Indian summer we've had.

I would share pictures of today's fun, but my camera gave out again this week. Fortunately, I was planning to replace it soon anyway, and I found a great deal on eBay. Now I'm just hoping my new digital SLR arrives soon!


  1. days at home are always nice! I don't get many.

    Enjoy Your PeanutButter cup bat cupcakes!

  2. oh your anticipation for fall sounds familiar...much like my own! we have had several cool mornings here lately- glorious! i even got out in the garden yesterday!

    btw- i really appreciate the scripture you are placing in your posts now. it blesses me.

  3. Oooooh! What camera did you get??

  4. I love this fall weather too. I've got some good pictures on my camera of the birthday party, so as soon as your dad downloads them for me you can come over and put them on you blog. Mom

  5. Mandi, I'm so glad.

    Emily, it's a Nikon D40. Now I just have to learn how to use it! Henley's doesn't have a class until January, but I'm really looking forward to it!

  6. Hurray for your new camera :) Keep your instruction manual handy for a while lol

  7. Ooooh a Nikon D40! My husband has been looking at them for awhile and I'm crossing my fingers that he gets one... say at the end of next month for a certain awesome housewife :)

    Your day sounds wonderful. Your cupcakes too!

  8. What kind of camera will you replace it with?? I'm using Josh's fancypants Canon EOS and am madly in love with the silly thing.


  9. Totally jealous of a digital SLR. I'm dying to get one!

    I read alot, but don't comment often(although I should, because I love your blog!) but I wanted to let you know that I gave you an award today over at my blog. Swing by and check it out if you get the chance!


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