
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Online Book Party and Home Tour!

Welcome! Come in and have a look around! I've been working really hard lately to get this place in order...

For the last several months, I've been slowly tackling the clutter in my house (with my mom's help). We did the linen closet, the pantry, the master bedroom closet, and the boys' room (though it's still not quite done). But the disorganized bookshelves all over the house were still bugging me.

Then I found my motivation -- I signed up to host an Usborne Books party! Figuring I better know what books I have -- and have a place for them -- before I go ordering a bunch more, I came up with a plan.

A couple weeks ago, my mom and I started pulling books off the shelves in the living room. The coffee table was already stacked with books that didn't fit on them. I needed a larger unit for the children's books.

Time to play Musical Bookcases! We moved a medium sized bookcase from the living room to the dining room because the tiny shelves holding our homeschooling materials were packed full...

The bookcase from the living room works much better. (That's a Halloween gingerbread house on top of the shelf, in case you're wondering.)

I swapped the play stove in the kitchen with a small red bookcase housing toddler books in the living room. Isn't this a pretty vignette? (Yes, those are the boys' Potions cauldrons.)

Then I moved this large bookcase that wasn't fulfilling its potential from my bedroom to the living room...



The biggest change, though, was finally putting up artwork on the walls in the living room. My mom and sister framed family photographs for me as a Christmas gift two years ago, but the room still wasn't quite finished. My mother had these paintings, several by my aunt, sitting in a closet from when we had to move my grandmother out of her apartment. I love that it looks so much like her home used to...

My mom also hung my aunt's stitcheries of a vegetable basket and the 23rd Psalm in my dining room... they are so me!!

I was so happy to have this all done before my party last Saturday! I just wish you could have been there, too! Won't you take a minute to look at some books with me now? Sit a while and sip some tea! Or would you rather have coffee?

Thanks for coming! The book show closes at noon on Friday, so order soon if you see something you like!


  1. looks so nice! Your bookshelves all look great!

  2. WOW Amanda! It looks amazing!!

  3. What a wonderful Mom you have! I love your style. Your home looks so cute, and charming. I also so loved seeing Nonie's art work!

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    It all looks just wonderful. I love all the vintage prints around the bookshelf. What an ensemble.

    Love the white bookcase in the playroom--you do have it bolted to the wall, though, right? I'm sure you already thought of that.

    I'll post some photos of my shelves after we move our new (to us)piano into the library. Tonight! We're all so excited for this hand-me-down.

  5. I really like your house!!!!

    So cozy and welcoming!


  6. Thank you for the compliments! Obviously, I showed the prettiest parts. We still have plenty of real life around here. ;) I'm definitely blessed to have had my mom's help, and my late auntie's artwork.


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