
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Checklist for the New Unschooler

Well, I've got a sick, fussy toddler on my lap this morning, so this might be it for posting today.

I wanted to share this great article from Life Without School with anybody who's here because they're curious about or new to unschooling... Checklist for the New Unschooler. Becky gives 10 principles that are really the "How-To"s of making the most of unschooling -- eg. "Slow down and relax," "Make time for the things you enjoy," and "Choose the relationship over your need to be right."


  1. Oh! I was thinking of posting a link to this over at CU--maybe you could just do that. Isn't that an awesome post?!?!?!

  2. Thanks so much... I really needed this!


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