
Thursday, January 24, 2008


We've been listening to music frequently in the house the last couple of weeks. And my littlest is showing definite signs of musicality.

His current favorite song: "Take a Little Nap (The Disco Song)" by Ralph's World. Which goes like this, "Have a little lunch. Take a little nap. Get down tonight. Get down tonight. Shake shake shake. Shake shake shake. Shake your bootie. Shake your bootie..."

Of course, the part Baby gets is, "Shake your bootie!" He wiggles his little bod to the music, and sings, "Shak-o-BOO-deh!" all around the house.

Do they have to grow up? Couldn't they stay toddlers just a little bit longer?


  1. That is SOOO cute!!! I love that-- everybody tells me to video some things my son does... I hardly ever do (and he never performs for the camera anyways), but that is *definitely* something you need on tape!! :) That song's gonna be stuck in my head all night! lol

  2. How cute!! He's talking??!! Wow, it's been waaaaayy too long since I have seen you guys. We really need to get together soon.


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