
Saturday, January 26, 2008

My "Fetching" fingerless gloves's ever-popular "Fetching" pattern, with undyed aran-weight Blue-Faced Leicester wool yarn.

I caught my first cold of the season this week, which left me feeling lightheaded when I stand up too long, and gave me an excuse to watch tv at my mom's and finally finish my fingerless gloves last night.

I made the first one two weeks ago, and then promptly lost one of the size 6 needles I needed to make the second. I was finally desperate enough wanting to knit that I dug up another set of sixes out of a UO (unfinished object) I'd given up on.

I loved this pattern! It was simple and rhythmic, which I need since I'm usually knitting while also trying to have a conversation with someone. I did screw up the wrist a few times and had to keep starting over, but mostly that was 'cause I wasn't multitasking very well. I learned the basic cable stitch on the scarf I made last month, and the picot trim around the fingers on the hat I made for my cousin's baby last summer.

Oh! And the photo only has one glove in it because my other hand was using the camera. ;)


  1. Great job on the gloves!! The only thing I ever learned to knit was a chain when I was younger, and used to make them forever!! hehe Not sure if I have the patience for it now.

  2. Thanks, Tammy! I think maybe you learned to crochet...? Knitting doesn't use chains, but crocheting does. Did you use a single needle with a hook at the end? That's crocheting. You should try it again! It's fun to make stuff! :)

  3. Cute gloves, I want to learn to knit but have not yet. I hope to see you at Beale park sometime. I did not go this time, I was out of town. We were going to go to story time but Ellie got sick, our first cold of the season so we have been lucky! Take care!


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